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.ORG Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charity. Your gifts are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Since 2012, we have been devoted to assisting wounded US troops facing hardships. We depends on contributions from generous donors like you and steward your gift responsibly. Every cent raised is directed towards improving the lives of those we support. Our members are Marine Corps Officers who volunteer with and earn no income from the organization. Our streamlined overhead expenses are paid for out of our own pockets.



Amount Raised So Far in 2015: $5,524 See Donors List
Projects Funded So Far in 2015: $500 See Past Projects
Current Budget Balance: $5,024
Numbers last updated on 8 August 2015

Click to view our 2012 - 2014 Annual Report.



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You can also make and mail your donations to:

.ORG Foundation
P.O. Box 91
Garrisonville, VA 22463

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No Wounded Veteran Shall Battle To Heal Alone.

It’s time to make a difference. Every penny goes to those in need. Make a donation now.