Solicitation Disclosure
.Org Foundation's Solicitation Disclosure
.ORG Foundation is a charitable organization registered with the state of Hawaii. Our state license number is W85322915-01 and our certificate of good standing can be requested from the state of Hawaii Department of Consumer Affairs, Business Registration Division. Our Federal EIN is 83-0501573. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) approved .ORG Foundation's tax exemption status effective 3 January 2013. A copy of our tax exemption letter is available under the 'Legal & Tax Documents' link of our website. Your gifts and donations to our organization are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
.ORG Foundation receives tax and accounting guidance from Mrs. Milli Moncure, Senior Accountant at Bowling Franklin & Co LLP in Stafford, VA. Information pertaining to .ORG Foundation's finances is released through the organization's annual report or upon requests submitted to P.O. Box 91 Garrisonville VA 22463 or submitted electronically via the contact page of our website.
.ORG Foundation is also in full compliance with section 414D-308 of the State of Hawaii’s laws pertaining to the public disclosure of annual reports for non-profit organizations. A full description of our organization's program and financial statements can be obtained upon request.
.ORG Foundation reaffirms its commitment to remain accountable not only to states and federal authorities, but also to those who fund and those who benefit from our projects. Bearing that principle in mind, .ORG Foundation believes that the following are critical in establishing and maintaining the trust and honest relationship between our organization, its contributors and its beneficiaries:
- The public disclosure of all information about each single event for which funds are raised, including the location, the cost and beneficiaries of the project.
- The public disclosure of all the funds collected through an online tracking system displaying a live fundraise tally for each event advertised.
- The publication of reports subsequent to the completion of each project giving donors and beneficiaries a detailed account of the outcome of the event with photos and or videos so that everybody can see the impact of their support.
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